It’s Official: Sex AirBNB Exists

I can’t unsee this.
So now you must share in my suffering. A friend just forwarded me an email from Urban Daddy, announcing the launch of KinkBNB.
“You live in a world where KinkBNB exists. It’s a new site that’s 1) online now, and 2) lets you search and book sex-friendly accommodations, because 3) there appears to be a market for such things. (Don’t open this slideshow.)”
So there you have it.
Full Disclosure: I may receive affiliate credit from links in this post or on this site which will help fund my travels. Thank you for your support!
Google love hotels japan. You’re welcome. You can’t unsee.
I thought people that travel were open minded and adventurous? I didn’t see any retina burning images in that slideshow.
This is all good and fine if your into that sort of thing but my concern would be with the cleanliness of such rooms. Regular hotel rooms can be lacking in proper housekeeping. Heck I don’t even like to touch the remote until I clean it. Can you imagine how dirty some of these rooms and/or equipment would be. Yuck.
That was the actually the first thing that crossed my mind!