Great Jackets for Fall Travel

Fall is my favorite season but it comes with added travel inconvenience — bulkier clothes, shoes, and (ack!) outerwear to pack. I’ll admit I probably have a little more baggage than most folks stemming from my study abroad semester in England.
We went everywhere and took pictures of everything, the purpose of which was apparently to illustrate “Look, here’s Keri in her black wool coat in front of <insert name of town, historic landmark, field, etc>” Sometimes I would mix it up and wear my too-distinctive purple ski jacket. But basically by the end of the trip I was wondering why I had even brought clothes other than that black wool jacket and it made it tough for everyone looking at my pictures to keep my locations straight.
So flash forward a few years and its become even more complicated. I still hike hills but I also eat at nicer restaurants, wear both dresses and jeans while traveling, and abhor checking luggage. Soooo packing more than one coat for a weekend or week is usually out.
I need something that
- Won’t wrinkle if stuffed in my suitcase or gets tossed on chairs, beds, and in overheads (but only after all rollerboards are stowed).
- Is weather resistent enough for long walks in the countryside but looks sharp enough for dining out.
- Can go with jeans, pants, and dresses; heels and sneakers.
- Has a good shape so I don’t look formless in person or in pictures
- Hopefully inexpensive enough that I can afford more than one to switch out across multiple fall trips.
Here are my top recommendations for this fall.
London Fog Double Breasted Trench Coat
I got mine last fall in a raspberry color and it’s my all time favorite coat. It’s very lightweight, but constructed of a rich looking, water resistant fabric that will fit in at all but a semi-formal/formal event. I’ve crumpled it and dragged it and it always keeps it shape. I found it warm and stylish for rainy days at Disneyland Hong Kong, October in Alaska, and wine tasting in Mendoza.
I picked mine up last year at Overstock for about $100. Amazon currently has it in raspberry and cobalt for $158. Consider stalking your shopping cart or signing up for their clothing email list for 20% off.
Isis Women’s Windy City Pea Coat
Just picked this one up. Was looking for something as warm and water resistant as the trench, but not quite as voluminous, and the color appealed to me. When it came I was impressed with how thin it was (no bulkier than a sweater to pack) and lined with fleece. Also has zippered external pockets a small one on the interior good for international travel.
It looks good in the sable color but I think black is probably a little sharper.
Eddie Bauer Corduroy Blazer
My corduroy jacket is an essential. It dresses up a pair of jeans and is a great way to handle cool mornings & nights with warm days. This year’s model ($70) doesn’t have the higher neck I prefer, but it’s a sharp look.
I’m also liking the looks of the Woolrich Kinsdale Jacket ($55). A less refined but more playful look, with multiple color options.
What’s your favorite jacket for fall travel?
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.