Disney Cruise Line Special (Guest Post from Tiff)

Typically our family picks cruises we’re going on only a few months out so we can take advantage of specials going on. This week Disney Cruise Lines has two specials going on, one for military and one kids sail free. Both are applicable only to certain cruises.  For the military special it’s for certain cruises out of Galveston, TX or Cape Canaveral, FL from Oct – Dec 2012. You have to purchase the cruise this week (Oct 8 – Oct 14) to take advantage of this promotion.
One cruise came to just under $1600 for one week for four people for an ocean view stateroom. That’s not a bad deal in general and is a GREAT deal for a Disney cruise.
I don’t know how long the Kids Sail Free deal will be available for, but it’s for certain 6 and 8-day sailings out of Galveston, TX from Jan 4th – Mar 1st 2013.
The rates with this deal aren’t bad, but not as good as the military rates if you have the ability to use either one. One 6-day cruise came to just over $2000 for four people for an ocean view room. Again, not the best cruise deal ever, BUT if you have your heart set on taking the kids on a Disney cruise I’d take a look at these deals since it’s much cheaper than their normal rates.
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.