Sunken Pirate Ship With Treasure Found Near St. Louis?

I have one more reason to finally make it to St. Louis this year! According to the Rock City Times, divers in the Mississippi River found a 300 year old pirate ship complete with gold and jade and numerous casks of honey moonshine. (h/t  @EmilySkarbek)
They’re keeping the booty, but the ship will be given to the city of St. Louis and displayed underneath the arch. A temporary exhibit will go up in April.
The best part?
It’s so good to see enterprising journalism isn’t limited to The Onion!
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Early April Fools?
Its a good thing to find out if this was real or not…they would be bringing in ppl from outta state tovnot see a ship!
Poor Photoshop it doesn’t even look close to anything real
bull shit