They’ve Found the Loch Ness Monster

“A marine robot deployed in the waters of Scotland’s Loch Ness has found the remains of a monster…”
The remains of a movie prop from the The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes filmed in the 1970’s. That’s good or bad news for Nessie lovers who want to keep hope alive. The company conducting the robotic survey, Kongsberg Maritime, has also determined that there is no trench in the loch where the monster was believed to hide.
I’ve visited Loch Ness twice and found a visit to the Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition fascinating. It details the history of the Loch Ness Monster lore as well as the current hypotheses. Last I heard [SPOILER ALERT] it was believed to be a giant sturgeon which has been known to grow as long as 27 feet.
Regardless, I highly recommend a visit to Scotland and the Loch Ness for sheer beauty alone!

You can visit the Loch from Inverness, which is only a 30 minute drive. Or if you’re staying in Edinburgh, consider a day tour that will handle the 3 1/2 hour drive as well as give you a tour of local whiskey distilleries and awe inspiring Cairngorms National Park.