Cheap Flights to Hawaii from Across the US, $349+

Via Scott’s Cheap Flights there’s cheap flights to Honolulu, Maui, and Kona in the $300s-$600s for travel now through March 2018. The prices from the West Coast, particularly California, are not quite so amazing since it’s not uncommon to see flights on sale in the $400s, but for everywhere east of there, this is a great deal! See their website for booking instructions.

Some of the cities included in the sale:
- Atlanta
- Austin
- Boston
- Chicago
- Dallas
- Denver
- Detroit
- Fort Lauderdale
- Houston
- Minneapolis
- Montreal
- New York City
- Orlando
- Phoenix
- Raleigh
- Salt Lake City
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- Tampa
No Christmas or New Year’s Eve availability, but if you act fast you may be able to find good fares over Thanksgiving. And keep in mind that fares between the islands are pretty reasonable, so if you can spare the vacation hours, leave time to visit more than one island.
Don’t have time and not sure which one to visit? Maui is one of my favorite destinations and Kona, which is on the “Big Island” has the volcanoes and active lava flow!