
“21 of the Worst Airline Passengers in the History of Travel”

a collage of people on an airplane

A friend shared this horrifying awesome collection of plane pictures with me yesterday, wanting to know if I had flown with any passengers like that. WeKnowMeme’s put together 21 photos of people on planes, drawing largely from a Facebook page I’d never heard of, but should have, Passenger Shaming.

a collage of people on an airplane

I think the worst I can remember is bare feet on the bulkhead, someone trimming their toenails, and the shameless guy who stripped to his boxers in first class to change into his PJs, the picture of which was (mercifully?) lost with my camera last year.

What’s the worst passengers you’ve seen?


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  1. Really, the worst passengers are those that turned out to be hijackers and terrorists. The 9/11 hijackers are definitely at the top of this list.

  2. Typical people behavior in public transportation.. they don’t care because they don’t have to clean up. Same people who always wants a party but never stick around to clean up.

    I don’t have a problem sleeping across a row of seats if there are not occupied.

    It does disgusts me to see people with bare feet, clipping toe nails… and come on dude.. sleeping without a shirt?

  3. Feet, bare or with shoes, on the bulkhead drive me mad. Ironically enough I see it more in the First Class cabin too. Last time we flew, a gal was plucking her chin hairs, again in F lol classy

  4. I like the rednecks with the Las Vegas gear on the most. Must have been a tough weekend 🙂

    I’ll vote for DB Cooper as the worst airline single passenger although not to the level of many terrorist like the underwear bomber.

  5. Apart from the terrorists, I vote for the guy that slammed his seat back as I was reaching for my purse under his seat. He could have broken my neck.

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