Save Money Through Tweets

Earlier I’d mentioned the American Express Sync. Explore. Save. app with Foursquare that awards statement credits for checking in at participating locations and making a minimum purchase.
Now they’ve launched a program through Twitter that automatically registers your AMEX card for statement credits when you tweet the relevant hashtag. Current offers include, McDonalds, and 1-800-Flowers.
The format is similar to their Facebook App, Link. Like. Love, which lets you add special offers to your card. But for me, the Twitter program is going to be easier to use and track, because it reduces the level of investment required.
- New offers immediately show up in your Twitter feed if you follow American Express. With Foursquare you have to remember to scan the area for participating merchants. Facebook requires proactively checking the page for updates.
- You can immediately “register” when you see the offer, instead of trying to remember when you’re on location.
- Your Twitter history will provide an easily accessible record of the deals you’re registered for. No email searches or scrolling through Facebook offers needed.
To me, the best part of SyncwithTwitter promos is that they’re independent of other offers. At restaurants, you can get Open Table points or dining rewards AND a statement credit. With 1-800-Flowers, you can still earn airline miles and get a discount (usually mutually exclusive), not to mention if you’re using an AMEX business card, you’ll probably get the 5% OPEN savings on top of the statement credit.
So consider checking it out, and if you don’t want to follow American Express on Twitter, you can always follow me. 🙂