TWG: The Best Amenity at the Conrad Centennial Singapore

In my last post I mentioned that after my 2 hour spa treatment I overnapped and missed afternoon tea in the lounge. I would have been pretty disappointed by this, except they offer really good bagged tea in the room.
So good, I broke my usual rule of not hoarding the amenities. While I might take home the occasional shampoo or bar of soap if it’s a brand I really like, I usually just enjoy it while I’m there. But this tea was good. Really good.
I saw they sold it in the gift store so I went down to check it out. $20 for 10 bags of TWG tea. I decided to pass. I decided to go back up to the room and put half the bags in my suitcase in the hopes that they would get replaced when they made up my room. I did the same thing in the evening when I left for the lounge so that turn down service could also replenish my supply.
Not my proudest moment, but every time I make a pot with those amazingly fragrant bags, I feel no regret.
Except now I’m out and apparently need to go back to the Conrad Singapore.