What’s in the December Birchbox

This month’s birchbox was pretty satisfying and a big win for them on the fun packaging!
My friend’s box arrived almost a week before me — usually I’m first in the shipping order, and we determined at this point the only difference in our profiles, other than hair color, is she’s “low-maintenance” and I’m “trendy.” So it’s quite interesting to see how our boxes compare.
Overall her box was a big win, although she’s not a fan of getting food items in her boxes. First up was the Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Repair CC Cream, which went on much like any other BB cream but not quite as much tint.
There was also a nice size bottle of Nick Chavez® Beverly Hills Advanced Volume Shampoo . The only less than ideal item was the Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner and that’s just because it arrived in bright purple.
The box also contained Juicy Couture‘s original scent, a dark chocolate peppermint wonton, and in my opinion, the biggest win of all, a $50 Rent the Runway gift card, which is enough to rent one designer dress (+ a back up) for free!
My box was also pretty satisfying with less Birchbox envy than usual!
I was excited to see Number 4’s Lumiere d’hiver clarifying shampoo in the mix as well as a little tub of Mox Botanicals Lip Butter (which interestingly enough had appeared a few months ago in my friend’s box.
I also got the Skinny Liquid Liner, but in a much useful olive color. The big win of the Rent the Runway gift card, which will be perfect for an upcoming rehearsal dinner. And, the obligatory food item, also something my friend had received in her last box. But I got lucky — no pop rocks chocolate for me, mine had caramel, dark chocolate and sea salt.
Interested in getting birchboxes? Be our best friend and sign up using our referral link 🙂
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.