I Liked the Colorado Springs Doubletree in Spite of Myself

Jeanne & I were out in Colorado Springs last weekend for a conference that was originally scheduled to be at the Broadmoor. I was feeling cheap, so I decided not to spend the $250 a night on a room and went with the nearby Colorado Springs Doubletree since it was coming up for $89 on the MVP rate.
A month or two before, the conference had to be moved to a different hotel (thanks a lot Prince Harry) but the Doubletree rate was still better, so I decided to stick with it. And was reminded just what an impact customer service can have on your perception.
I was unimpressed initially. It was a basic hotel, better than some, but my stay got off to a rocky start and I was already cranky from my flight out.
I arrived a little after 1PM to check in. The front desk agent immediately acknowledged my Gold status and let me know I’d been upgraded from a Queen to a King. The only problem was the room wasn’t ready. After they had tried for 5 minutes to switch around some reservations which the system didn’t like, I offered to go grab some lunch and come back in 30-45 minutes. I was assured that by the time I got back I’d have a room and they gave me a cookie.
45 minutes later I’m back, but the room is still showing in their system as “dirty”. Grrr. A minute or two more of looking and they had an upgraded room for me. One on the second floor overlooking the atrium, “so it will be quiet.” I wasn’t thrilled, but it was totally fine, until I realized that the second floor is actually the first floor. And that overlooking the atrium meant I’d only have a view of the pool under construction.
I’m never rude, but I”ll admit my manner lacked my usual enthusiasm and beaming smile. Still, I figured I wouldn’t be spending much time there, so it didn’t matter. (Although I positively hated the rainbow curtains.)
The room was oversized but basic. The carpet was worn, the bathroom was modern and new (although the hot water faucet detached in my hand). Overall it was fine, but not impressive.
What I disliked the most was the the hotel was huge and laid out in a circle, my room being the farthest point from the front desk and where I’d parked, so it took several extra minutes to get anywhere.
I returned late that first night to find a message on my room phone. The manager had called to welcome me as a Gold, make sure I had enough bottled water, access to internet, and breakfast coupons, and let me know they were there 24/7. I thought that was a nice touch.
I tried out the gym the next morning, by the way, and found it better than many (after I found it — the entrance is through Guest Laundry). I also passed several employees who all smiled and greeted me as we passed each other.
My last morning there was Mother’s Day. When I had checked in signs had indicated the atrium restaurant would not be open for guests and that meal vouchers would not apply. I wasn’t sure what this meant for my free breakfast as a Gold and forgot to call until the morning of.
The front desk person could not have been nicer and it turned out breakfast was available until 10:30. I decided to get all my stuff to my car before going to breakfast and in pulling everything together, lost track of my car keys. Out in the hallway, I’d just discovered that I’d probably left my car keys on the desk with both my room keys when I saw an employee enroute to fix something.
Not wanting to make the long trek to the front desk and back to get a room key, I asked him if anyone could help me get back into my room. He said he could help, and that it wasn’t a problem, and soon had me back in my room, even offering to help look when I couldn’t find the keys.
I knew I had held him up but he couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful, a theme that was continued during checkout, where I was genuinely wished a nice stay and travels.
So, the Doubletree is a very average hotel that’s neither great nor bad. I didn’t particularly like my room, but based on the service alone, I’d have to consider coming back next time I’m in town (if the MVP rate is good). Do It For The Points gave the hotel a 5*rating primarily for their customer service, but I wouldn’t go quite that far.
Funny, this reminds me exactly of the Radisson (Airport) in Colorado Springs. That place has nearly 5 star ratings on every travel site, but just bad vibes there all around. I don’t have VIP status at Club Carlson, but at my last 2-night stay they put me in a corner room. An INSIDE corner room, of a hotel laid out in a triangle! That means my view was of the hallway leading to the other side of the hotel. Better yet there was a gutter running across that view. They had placed little spikey things on the gutter to detract from birds. It looked like a prison, and felt like it too.