Wait! How Are We In Iowa?

Jeanne & I were driving back to the airport a little early after our day of adventure in Omaha, and passed a sign welcoming us to Iowa. Iowa!? We were on the same road we’d taken from the airport to downtown! How were we in Iowa??
Jeanne did some quick research and we learned something new…the Carter Lake area outside of Omaha belongs to Iowa, hence the welcome sign.
We had 45 minutes before we actually needed to drop the car off, so we decided to see if there was a place in Iowa we could get a drink or hangout just to say we’d been there. Jeanne did more online searching and turned up the Carter Lake Lounge so we decided to head over and check it out.
From the outside it was definitely a locals’ place…
We walked in, and it was definitely a locals place. I get really shy in those situations, so it might have been in my imagination that there was a brief silence when we came through the door, but even if that were the case, we were definitely made welcome. One older, slightly intoxicated gentleman sitting on Jeanne’s side was trying to make us extra welcome, but the others goodnaturedly held him in check and we enjoyed some lively conversation and zingers while we sipped our drinks.
From my more reserved (and cute) neighbor I learned the origin of Carter Lake. The area had originally been bordered by the Missouri River separating it from Nebraska, but a flood had changed the river’s flow annexing the area a century+ ago, but original state lines had been honored which is how we were sitting in Iowa.
A fun experience and a highlight to our adventures in Nebraska!
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I hope you enjoyed your brief trip through Iowa! Omaha is my main airport, so I’ve done that drive through Carter Lake many times.
It was very scenic 🙂
Glad to see someone visit Iowa. As a south asian living in Iowa for the last 15 years, I have had similar experiences many, many times. The vast majority of Iowans are simple, hard working, fun loving…but definitely take a few minutes to warm up. We cannot imagine living anywhere else!