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Celebrity Airport Looks That Should NOT Inspire Your Travel Wardrobe

a couple of women wearing black coats and sunglasses

[A nice after lunch puff-piece] Who What Wear recently did a post on 13 Celebrity Airport Looks To Inspire Your Spring Travel Wardrobe which was sent to me by reader Ruthi. As I’m sure she expected, it got a rise out of me. I was not a fan of most of the examples — some for aesthetic reasons, some for practical.

a woman wearing a hat and holding a purse


There were several photos that showed various actresses and celebrities sporting awesome hats. I personally don’t recommend traveling with a hat unless you have to. They’re really hard to pack, but there’s also difficult to wear in-flight! A fedora for example, is not conducive to leaning back in your seat. And if you don’t want to wear it, it’s either taking up your entire lap, or you’re risking it getting smashed in the overhead.


Hard to Remove Shoes and Sandals

a woman walking down the street

Avoid complicated buckles and laces that will slow you down in security. Even if Reese Witherspoon has TSA Precheck, there’s a good chance her Valentino Studded Textured-Leather Sandals would set off the metal detector.





a couple of women walking in an airport

Bulky Coats

They are great for chilly flights, but unless you’re in First Class, they’re a big pain when you don’t want to wear them the whole flight. You’re either risking flight attendant ire for taking up precious overhead space, or again crowding your lap. I usually try to get by with a coat that’s lightweight or can be crammed in my carry-on during the flight.


They shouldn’t inspire anyone. Ever.


What was worth considering?

a woman carrying a yellow bagScarves are a great compromise on extra warmth and space saving. Boots also get you a heel, easy on & off, and protection against in-flight drafts. With the exception of the flats, Allison Williams look seemed the best suited of all of them for travel — a carryon large enough for a laptop but small enough for the seat in front, a scarf and light jacket.







I know I’m a little too into travel when these are the first things that pop into my mind!


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