Great Alaska Outhouse Experience & More at the Fairbanks Museum

You can definitely see and hear some unexpected things at the Museum of the North in Fairbanks, AK.
When I was evaluating my options for site-seeing in Fairbanks the Museum of the North kept coming up as one of the top options. So I got myself to the University of Alaska campus on the hill, paid the $12 admission fee, and set out.
Unfortunately the movie theater was out of order that day because $5 for unlimited viewing of their three movies — Dynamic Auroras, Expedition Alaska: Dinosaurs, and Arctic Currents: A Year in the Life of the Bowhead Whale — actually seemed right up my alley.
I made my way to the main Fairbanks museum exhibition, passing along the way a really cool and really giant polished jade boulder. I want one for my house!
As you enter the exhibit, Otto, the grizzly bear greets you. 🙂
Growing up, my parents took me to many natural history museums and I was always enthralled with the taxidermy of those in the west. So as soon as I saw Otto I knew I’d enjoy it!
Acclimated to modern museum layouts I was initially thrown off a little, The main exhibit area was laid out by regions of Alaska (very cool) and also surprisingly small given the size of the building.
And packed with information. The walls are filled with text descriptions, facts, quotes, and stories. It’s almost overwhelming but definitely interesting.
Among the many displays that caught my eye…
The real-to-life bird display featuring plenty of fake bird droppings a sea gull that just caught a luckless chick.
The mummified head and shoulder of baby mammoth.
Blue Babe, the mummified bison carcass that turned blueish from the soil.
Lots of gold nugget examples.
An old fashioned high school diploma.
And one of the highlights, and a theme on this trip, were the many stories about the lives of Alaska pioneers.
I took a break from reading to head up to the second floor which displayed works from past and current Alaskan artists. And it was there I discovered “The Place Where You Go To Listen”. A room whose sights and sounds are based on the movements of the earth.
Also on the second floor is the native art exhibit. And in case you’re a true art lover, they have camp chairs so you can take your time taking in the artwork.
There were some amazing pieces, not the least of which was the Great Alaskan Outhouse Experience.
And you are encouraged to go in!
On the way out I stopped at the Dinosaur exhibit (enter through the gift shop) and that was interesting but probably the least impressive exhibit they had.
More from this trip:
Suite Life at Sheraton Anchorage
Pancakes at Night & Other Fun at the Holiday Inn Express Fairbanks
I missed the Salmon and the Man in the Bear Suit…
The Place Where You Go to Listen
Denali: To the End of the Road and Back
I’m up in Fairbanks about once a year and I enjoy stopping by the Museum of the North every few years. I’m guessing the outhouse exhibit is relatively new, that’s exactly the kind of quirky exhibit that I love to find. If you head back up there, I recommend Chena Hot Springs (stop by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline exhibit just off the highway on the way to Chena), the Cookie Jar Restaurant, and the Alaska Heritage House (bed & breakfast).
I am sitting looking at my Grandfathers 1917 diploma very similar to the one in your photo. I am wondering how many studentswere in the grad class.