10 Things You Can’t Do On a Plane

A little lightheartedness for the holiday weekend. 10 things you should avoid if you don’t want to be arrested. Some may come as a surprise, some may not…
Have a cobra or an emotional support rabbit that looks like a rodent.
You can have a scorpion on board but it can’t sting anyone. Miniature horses and pot-bellied pigs are also ok.
Cry about your parent’s heart attack
Paint your finger or toe nails
Have sex in the plane lavatory, or in your seat
Ignore personal hygieneÂ
Carry your life savings or any large sums of cash
Say or wear the “f-word”
Take pictures of your seatÂ
Drink 3 dozen drinks and threaten a police officer meeting you on the jetway
Attempt to open the emergency exit door to get fresh air
Full Disclosure: I may receive affiliate credit from links in this post or on this site which will help fund my travels. Thank you for your support!
I agreed with all of them except having sex in the lavatory is private not illegal lol.