Today Only: 12 Hours of Online Wine Deals for a Good Cause!

The moment I have been waiting for has arrived! The Wines ‘Til Sold Out Member Favorites Marathon has started.
From 8AM to 8PM they’re selling their most requested wines for ~30-70%. A new wine will be featured every 20 minutes (or sooner if it sells out). All wines are rated at least 90 points and free shipping is usually offered with purchases of 3-4 bottles or more.
The best part? A dollar from every bottle sold will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America which helps the daily lives of people currently living with MS.
So if you were planning on stocking your wine rack, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Just not a good day for office productivity 😉
I usually rely on their email to find out the latest deal, but for the marathon your best bet is to download the app for Android or Apple, refresh the website constantly or follow @WTSO on Twitter.
Thanks for sharing this. It really is something especially if it’s for a cause. Hope they helped many Multiple Sclerotic people 🙂