A Tool For When You Have No Idea What Time It Is Anywhere Else

a woman holding a stopwatch

I’m in the midst of a mileage run to Alaska via San Juan and after nearly 24 hours in transit hopping to various timezones I’m rather fuzzy on what time it locally and what the time difference is. Which is a problem when trying to schedule work calls tomorrow with folks scattered across the country.

Fortunately my friend had a solution for my befuddled state which is worth passing along. TimeandDate.com

a screenshot of a calendar

The site is not the best layout, but on the third nav from the left, under Time Zones, they have a nifty tool called the International Meeting Planner. You input whichever cities you’re interested in and it shows you a grid of possible times (based on an 8-5 day).

a screenshot of a calendar

That’s how I figured out I had accidentally double booked two calls. Usually I don’t have a problem with time zones in the US though clearly tonight is an exception, but this will be particularly useful for times when I’m not quite halfway around the world


Full Disclosure: I may receive affiliate credit from links in this post or on this site which will help fund my travels. Thank you for your support!

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  1. One thing a coworker showed me that helped (a bit) with dealing with timezones is the fact that you can have MS Outlook show you 2 different timezones in the calendar view. I keep one of the timezones to the local time of my official office, and the other timezone follows whatever I have my laptop set to. So when my coworkers try to setup a meeting, or when I’m trying to setup a meeting with them, I can see what time it is in Chicago, as well as what time it is wherever I am.

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