Do Crewmembers Have Sex In-Flight?

Headlines & Highlights from around the web:
- Via Travel & Leisure, a reveals that almost 90% of flight crews break airline rules, and “21 percent said they had ‘indulged in sexual relations with a colleague during a flight’ and 14 percent said they’ve engaged in sexual relations with passengers.”
- I recently read the Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty Vendela Vida. It’s a quick read, and the first couple of pages are a hilarious commentary on the travel experience. You can view a free sample of the first chapter on Amazon by clicking “Send Free Sample” in the right sidebar and then choosing to view in Kindle Reader (your browser). One of the gems:
As the flight takes off, the inevitable cries of babies start up and you absentmindedly flip through your guidebook to Morocco. You read: “The first thing to do upon arriving in Casablanca is to get out of Casablanca.” Damn. You’ve already booked a hotel room there for three nights. You should be annoyed with yourself for not reading the guidebook before reserving and paying for your room, but instead you direct your annoyance at the guidebook itself for telling you your first three days in Morocco will be wasted.
- (Second) Note to self: Resist the urge to try to take gun themed heels through security in my carryon. Apparently said items can be checked. A general tip though: if you have something that’s legal but likely to be questioned, take it out of your bag and put it on the screening belt by itself. I do that with my bladeless corkscrew and it saves a lot of time since they’re not having to dig through my luggage.
- House of Cards fans — The Jefferson in DC has a package for you. A weekend stay complete with access to all 3 seasons, BBQ rib breakfast, and a training session to help you run Claire’s route through the city.
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