Bora Bora for $125 a Night, the Second Most Dramatic Plane Exit & More

Highlights and headlines from around the web:
FYI: Today is National Read a RoadMap Day.
Jeffsetter found a way to stay on Bora Bora for only $125 a night, and the view is pretty great!
You’ve probably seen the news about the United flight attendant who exited her flight (and her job) via the emergency slide after it landed in Houston on Monday. Fortunately it was not because she was looking for the bathroom. However, her antics which cost United thousands of dollars, still can’t match the JetBlue flight attendant in 2010 who announced over the PA system he was quitting, grabbed two beers, and left via the emergency slide.
New York Times has a piece with beauty tips from a hand model. Interesting, but unfortunately impractical for me as there’s no way I’m going to be able to avoid cleaning and cooking or making hasty movements.
Thinking of bringing along your favorite hat for your dream vacation? You really should think again. I know better but every now and again I break my resolve and bring that gorgeous broad brimmed floppy hat that will make all my beach pictures look glamorous. And inevitably the trip becomes about saving the hat from being crushed and not about rest and relaxation.
So if Kendall Jenner’s latest headgear has inspired you, don’t bring it on the plane!
Thanks for a shout out. I really loved the Le Course – there are others that you can find it this price range, but the quality is no where in comparison.