Amazon Gift Card Deals: Flowers, Restaurants & More

Just a quick head’s up that Amazon has several gift card deals right now, probably in honor of Mother’s Day. For a limited time you can get:
$10 off when you spend $50 on Regal Email Gift Cards with code REGAL Update: That was fast! No longer available- $10 off when you buy two $25 Ruby Tuesday gift cards with code RUBY10
- $12 off $50 1-800 email gift cards with code FLOWERS12
- $5 off $25 Lane Bryant Gift Cards
And on Lightning Deals today (for 3-4 hours or until sold out) there are several options:
- Coldstone $25 Gift Card for $20, starts 11:29 AMÂ ET
- Destination Maternity $50 Gift Card for $40, starts at 1:29 PM ET
- Jiffy Lube $50 Gift Card for $40, starts 3:29PM ET
- Lane Bryant $25 Gift Card for $20, starts 5:29PM ET
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