TSA Raising Your Airport Fees, Airlines Suing

I never paid much attention to that obnoxious $2.50 TSA Security Fee that showed up on my tickets, but if I had, I probably would have been glad they were capped at $5 each way. And apparently the TSA might be increasing those fees and removing the caps.

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According to this Forbes article, the airlines are fighting back. The article outlines the impact of some of the changes, including long layovers counting as a new one way trip! And the airlines’ complaint that feds are using the fees to pay down the deficit.

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Definitely something I’m going to be paying more attention. If the TSA prevails, taking a connecting flight might not have the cost savings it used to, not to mention all the other concerns this raises.


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  1. at this rate, and the number of passengers passing tsa check points, tsa will be turning a hefty profit. ( funds to waste on other programs )

  2. If anyone on here LIKES the government and their incompetence you need your head examined. Talk about destroying the greatest place to live in the history of the world. This is a just another nail in the coffin. I’m as worried about safety as everyone else, but I don’t think they are doing at a good job at that either and just throwing money at a problem as NEVER worked, and I mean never. What works is employees and management who care about their jobs and what they do. The TSA has neither.

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