Great Heels for Traveling

Not quite as good as my favorite Heirs & Grace shoes, but the Max Studio Mecca Wedge Pump is extremely comfortable. Better yet, it’s more versatile since it’s closed toe and comes in a range of colors (and the company is still in business unlike Heirs & Grace).
I wore them on our San Francisco trip and was impressed. I could easily walk the 8/10 of a mile back to our hotel from Yank Sing, and since they were wedges, I didn’t have to avoid the numerous grates in the sidewalks. Also, I raced a colleague around the office at a dead run wearing them (don’t ask) earlier this month, and they cornered well.
I bought my brown snakeskin pair at Marshalls on clearance, but I like them so much I might splurge and pick some up in other colors.
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
I can’t believe you can run in those! Be careful!
this is technically not a heel, but a wedge. wedges are super awesome because you get all of the height and none of the pain! (or corns) =)
I found a nice red pair at TJ Max. They are a great alternative to heels, and ma’am is right, without the pain.