Potential US Airways Mileage Run to Hawaii

So United currently has fares to Honolulu for $345, but I just saw that US Airways also has some reasonably priced flights out of  Washington, DC for $580 in November and early December.
A possible mileage run?
If you register and use a US Airways Mastercard to purchase your ticket by Oct 31, you get double eqms on that flight. Which means flying from DC to Honolulu and back on a $580 ticket nets you 19,554 eqms at roughly 3 cents a status mile.
If you use register and use any Mastercard, you’ll get double award miles which gets you 19,554 miles at 3 cents a mile.
While the $580 flights were scarce in November, I was finding quite a few options for a Thursday departure with 5 hour layover or 1-2 night stay for only $630. Still really great deal and doesn’t require taking as many days off work to hit status.
Check on Airfare Watchdog if any airports near you are running Hawaii specials.
As always, before buying a mileage run on US Airways, check if it would be cheaper to just buy your status!
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
This would be a run to include in a status challenge with us air so you add that dip to this run. I think it’s interesting that united has this cheap pricing out of two us air hubs.