Birthday Recognition from Loyalty Programs

So I’m used to getting the usual Happy Birthday emails from restaurants and retailers who have that information, but when the email from Miles & Smiles popped into my inbox, I took notice!
Then I was curious what other programs might do.
MyPoints offered 750 extra points for a $5+ purchase in the next two weeks at a select retailer.
Kimpton In Touch was the best — they offered 20% off a stay Thursday through Sunday during my birthday month, 2 free glasses of sparkling wine + dessert in their restaurant, and a surprise gift.
MyCokeRewards said hi and reminded me to use my existing points to treat myself. Ha!
Airtran emailed me 5 days after my birthday (although I’m guessing it was probably Hurricane Sandy impacted so can’t fault them) offering me double A+ credits on my next flight taken by January 31. Not bad!
And while these things aren’t big deal, I’m a little surprised my main airlines don’t have some kind of automatic email recognition even if it’s not offering a discount. Seems like a missed opportunity to position themselves as part of a fun birthday experience (like Kimpton and Miles & Smiles did).
I’m interested to know what travel-related birthday offers others have had!
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
Red robin will give you free food on your birthday as will many restaurants. 🙂
Red Robin is a straight up free hamburger, no other purchase, right? Noodles & Co does straight up free too, so it’s been my birthday lunch each year (there’s one near my job)
Ruby Tuesday also offers a straight up free hamburger :), The Prime Rib a free cocktail. The buy one get one deals, like Zoe’s Kitchen, aren’t quite as exciting.
I think your right on red robin no addl purchase required while many restaurants do the bogo deal. Nothing like free food on your birthday. The funny part is that I don’t share my real DOB with people like that so I can avoid identity theft so I’ll get the “happy birthday” emails at odd times of year.
Marriott gave me a free elite night credit for my birthday this year. I don’t recall getting them in the past though.
Oh wow. That’s pretty awesome! Are you a higher status with them this year compared to previous years?
No, I dropped status and am now just a member. The birthday gift put me to a whopping nine nights this year.
2,000 miles from Virgin Atlantic!