November 29 Links of Interest

Well, of interest to us at least because many of them involve HeelsFirst!
- The List covers more of the StarMegaDo experience, and you can catch more random shots of Jeanne’s cowboy hat and my red dress throughout!
- Jeanne’s post on Chris Elliott earned her a shoutout on TravelBloggerBuzz’s Best of Blogs (go Jeanne!)
- Ebates is still offering 4% cashback on select Amazon categories and up to 3% on Ebay purchases.
- New Audience Rewards Trivia questions are up, and the answers are available on Milepoint.
- Joining a gym over the holidays? New Girl in the Air explores how to earn Virgin America miles for gym membership in NYC, LA, and San Fran.
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories
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