$10 for $10 Starbucks Gift Card and 20% Off Through End of Year

At first glance, this offer didn’t seem all the impressive to me. $10 for $10 at Starbucks. Since I can only drink decaf coffee, and Starbucks has some of the worst, I’m not a Starbucks power user. Thus the value didn’t immediately jump out at me.
But if you are a Starbucks power user, and say, average $3.50 a day there, you’ll save almost $5 in the next 7 days. So now you’re getting at least $15 worth of value at Starbucks for $10. Not too shabby.
And the 20% discount is valid for all regular price purchases including “food, coffee, tea, mugs, select brewing equipment, and more.” So if you’re in the market for those things, traveling, or looking for last minute Christmas gifts, you could save quite a bit more.
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
Actually, the 20% off is only good until the end of December. Given that there’s pretty much only a little more than 1 week left, I’m not impressed by this deal.
Nice. I’m attending a convention Dec. 27-30 where much caffeine will be needed, AND there’s a Starbucks inside the convention hotel. We have a winner!