February’s Glossybox: Interesting But Not International

Glossybox, so far, has wound up being everything I hoped Birchbox would be. And while I still have a little bit of box envy, with the 3 I’ve received, I’m pretty happy with almost everything I get.
February was no exception, except the theme misled me on the contents. When I saw “International” being advertised, I and some of my other friends took this to mean top beauty products from around the world. What we got is what the opening card promised — items to prep you for fashion weeks in any location but mostly made in the US.
The highlight was a great magazine with fun tips for various cities, abet with a typo on the cover.
Ok, so fashion show prep not quite as much up my alley. But the contents were still good.
Looks like everyone got the Bulgari soap (not shabby) and little pots of shimmery Da Vinci Comsmetic eye shadow. Both of us got colors we might wear — bronze for me, pale pink for my friend.
Then there were the strange nail wraps in designs I hope to never see on a real person…
We also both got the Evologie pack of intensive blemish serum and stay clear cream.
Last up were the LISI products. She got the clear shimmer lip gloss, which works well for me since she doesn’t do lip gloss (I don’t do fragrance). I love the smell of it and it’s got a nice texture when applied, not too sticky. I got the light purple liquid eye liner #fail.
Overall though, a good box, and the fact that I like and will use 3 of the 5 items and can definitely give away at least one of the other two is a far better ratio than Birchbox! If only all the Birchboxes could be Goop birchboxes.
If you’re interested in a Glossybox experience of your own, please feel free to sign up using my link and push me that much closer to a free box!
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.