Redeeming My Travel Voucher — Thank Goodness They Hung Up On Me

Friday I finally got around to redeeming (or trying to) the LAN travel voucher I got for taking a downgrade on my Miami to Santiago flight.
They’d handed me a sheet of paper listing my two options and a lot of fine print about the redemption process. Verbally they’d told me just to call the contact center and they’d put the money on one of my credit cards if I wanted cash.
So I did finally call, the agent looked up my voucher number and told me that they could only issue LAN credit via the Contact Center and if I wanted “cash”, I’d need to go to a ticket office. Wha!? I calmly, although not as sweetly as I should have, told him that I was pretty sure there wasn’t a ticket office within 200 miles of me and they’d told me I could do it over the phone.
He offered to see if I could go to the airport, and put me on hold. Not surprisingly, he came back on a while later and said he needed to talk to his supervisor about it and would put me on hold again. Except he accidentally hung up. Sigh.
So I called back, getting a different agent this time and explained someone was trying to help me convert my travel voucher to cash. She asked for the voucher number, my name, and then after a pause, my passport number.
Really!? I was having to jump through more hoops just to get connected to the other agent?
Then she asked what credit card number I wanted to apply it to. Wow. That was easy. Two minutes later she’d verified my number, taken a little more information, and reminded me that it would take 30-40 business days for the money to be transferred to my credit card.
Thank goodness the first agent accidentally hung up on me or I might have wound up thinking I needed to fly back to JFK or Miami just to collect my money.
A good reminder of the travel adage “If at first you don’t get the answer you want, hang up and call back.” 🙂
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.