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Worst Wine Prices for a US Hotel?

a paper with a list of wine

I’ve heard about the Club Sandwich Index for determining your purchasing power at a hotel. Now I’m thinking there should be an entry-level wine index…

If there were, pretty sure the Marriott at the Philadelphia Airport would come close to Geneva!

We had a recent overnight there when we misconnected enroute to San Francisco. I’m used to high prices at hotels, but I wasn’t prepared for this.

a list of wine in a restaurant

You know you’re in trouble when a bottle of Beringer White Zinfandel is going for $38!

There was no difference between the room service menu (above) and the restaurant prices, except down in the restaurant you could order by 3, 6, and 9 oz pours. And there some of the calculations didn’t quite make sense either. A glass of the Malbec was $6 for 3 oz, $14 for 6 oz, and $19 for 9 oz. Had I been favoring Malbec I probably would have just gone for 3 3 oz pours instead.

Curious what’s the worst entry-level wine pricing others have seen?


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