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Chase Ink Credit Card Benefit: Rental Car Savings

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I was looking at my Chase Ink credit card account this morning and found a nice surprise. I had an inexplicable 5% rebate on my recent Avis rental. A coupon wouldn’t have credited like that, nor could it be from the cashback portal I used to book it.a screenshot of a car rental application

So I did some investigating and discovered the existence of the MasterCard Easy Savings program for small businesses, which among other benefits, offers a 5% rebate on Avis and Budget purchases made with an enrolled card.

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I had known about American Express Open Savings (one of the many reasons I love my Starwood Business AMEX), but somehow had completely missed the MasterCard Easy Savings. The only question was how did I qualify? Was it possible I had enrolled when I first got the card and forgotten about it? It was possible but not likely.

So I experimented with creating an account using that credit card and had no problem registering. And once I did, it showed the same rebate that had showed up on my statement. Apparently I was auto enrolled. YMMV

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If you have a Business MasterCard it’s probably worth taking a minute to sign up just to make sure you’re getting all the savings possible. It’s free, and because the rebate is automatic, you can still “double dip” and earn additional points or cashback by going through a shopping portal.

The more I learn about maximizing points and miles, the more I realize how little I actually know! It was just by chance that this happened — the credit card on my Avis account had expired and apparently my Chase Sapphire was associated with an old account I hadn’t merged yet, so I grabbed my Chase Ink for the rental car coverage. Looks like it was a wiser choice than I knew!


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Full Disclosure: I may receive affiliate credit from links in this post or on this site which will help fund my travels. Thank you for your support!

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  1. Does the card come with Primary insurance? I have been using the Sapphire and before that Explorer for that reason.

  2. You should check out this site in know called Boarding Area. This has been featured a bunch of times there. It seems the bloggers there are really big fans of this ink card.

  3. Be careful of your rental is for leisure. As Chase INK (and its primary coverage) is a business product, there have been concerns about whether the coverage would extend to leisure rentals. When I read the T & C, I concluded that it did not.

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