50% Off Car Rentals Next Week

Silvercar is offering 50% off car rentals next week (11/16-11/21) in all their markets with code GIVETHANKS.
I only wish my travel next week was to one of their locations:
- Austin – AUS
- Dallas – Love
- Dallas – DFW
- Denver – DEN
- Los Angeles – LAX
- Miami – MIA
- Phoenix – PHX
- San Francisco – SFO
(Updated 11/16) They are also running a $100 off offer through the end of the year for new customers.
Sign up using my referral code KANDERSON5, and complete a two day rental now through 12/31 and you’ll get $50 off that rental PLUS $50 in cash (well actually a Visa Gift Card) when you’ve completed the rental. I will also get $100. 🙂
How it works: Once you’ve signed up via my link and made a reservation, go to the Message Center section of your mobile app and apply the $50 credit that will appear to your reservation.
I’ve contacted Silvercar to see if the GIVETHANKS code is stackable with the sign up bonus.
I tried them out earlier this year when I was in Austin for a BBQ jaunt, and loved it! For $59 a day, I was guaranteed a pretty Audi which came with free wifi and satellite radio.
Plus there’s no fee for using the toll pass and I save time and effort not having to refill the gas tank. Refilling is charged at the market rate + $5 flat fee instead of the usual 3x the going rate. Â Avis & National were coming in at $45 for an intermediate car during the same time, so it wasn’t a whole lot more to get much better service!
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Is the $100 credit that you get also a visa gift card?
I just followed your steps, but don’t see the Message Center under my profile. I made a 2-day rental and need to apply the $50 off (it’s for 11/23 for 2 days). Please help.
Oh no! I just did some investigating, and based on this http://blog.silvercar.com/post/101857997781/silvercar-friends-get-benefits-you-and-your-friend, it sounds like it will be under the message center on the cell phone app. Let me know if it’s not there and I’ll contact Silvercar right away!
I see the code in my app but I don’t think you can apply both codes?
I’ve contacted Silvercar, will let you know what I hear back!
I followed your link to sign up, but can only get $25 when I complete my first rental. Did I do something wrong?
You should be seeing a $50 off code in the message center of the mobile app, if not, let me know and I’ll follow up with Silver car.
I got an email saying I can get $25 when I complete my first rental. There is no message in the message center.
Just sent you an email so we can get this figured out