Should High Heels Be Mandatory for Flight Attendants?

Via Times of Israel, El Al has recently made it mandatory for female flight attendants to wear high heels until all passengers have boarded and been seated. Before their uniform requirements only called for heels in the airport and boarding the plane.
With a background in marketing I get “brand image.” I also personally prefer to wear heels most days, finding them more comfortable for my Achilles and better looking than flats. That said, I think footwear should suit the situation, which on a plane I would think should be professional and practical.
By all means outlaw sneakers, Vibram FiveFingers, and even Crocs as not fitting a professional setting, but requiring heels? And what qualifies as heels — do they have a minimum height? Consistency is important, but policing footwear height is not what I want an airline focusing on.
What do you think?
Run out of stuff to write about?
I have to wear a suit for my job. Boo hoo. Guess I shouldn’t have taken the job.
You are comparing a suit to heels? Really? I beg to question how often your tie and blazer have caused serious injury? Aggravated ankle problems? Spare me. Unless the mandate for business professional attire requires men to wear pumps, I don’t want to hear it.
I’ve never met a woman who was forced to wear those things, but they all do. Ask yourself why men would never wear such stupid items. They think they look better. Woman are forced to walk into Prada, etc. and buy such instruments of torture? No, they spend hundreds of dollars buying high heels.
Robert, it kinda sounds like you didn’t quite understand the article.
Absolutely not. Why would anyone think they should be required? Yes, you have to look professional, provide great service, and respond to an emergency. All of which can be accomplished without wearing heels.
It would seem the point of this requirement is to give people something nice to look at. One would think we would have moved beyond that in this day and age.
Yes, they should be required as well as fishnet stockings and garter belt with a short skirt…and at least once a flight they should drop something and without bending their knees turn around and pick it up, all the while giggling like a hello kitty schoolgirl…….No, of course not, they should be wearing comfortable practical tennis shoes of some sort….I realize it goes with the name of your blog, but really?!?….really?!?
Jeez, do you want to make the old broads on American carriers even bitchier ?
If you don’t like it, don’t fly El Al. Israel is a free country, women can choose whether or not to work for El Al.
And, it seems that the author of this blog seems to think it’s ok to require wearing heels in the airport and when boarding the plane, but not when the passengers are boarding. That’s a ridiculous distinction.
Handbags at dawn, anyone?
It’s interesting to see the responses of other men to this. While (IMO) heels look nice, this isn’t a subject that I think men can understand.