TSA Gives Tips on How to Fly With a Gun

A TSA regional spokesman chatted with AL.com this week about the best way to bring your gun on the plane. Among the tips he offers is to make sure the gun is unloaded and in the appropriate case. You can travel with ammunition too, it just has to be packed separately.
Given how easy it is for the TSA and law enforcement to confiscate your stuff without charging you with a crime, I’d still probably shy away from bringing my gun with me on a trip. Even though readers suggest that’s the best way to defend yourself if your hotel room is broken into. 🙂
Did you also know you can take a water bottle through security?
Really? wow, I miss Europe.
I hunt and was bringing a firearm on a flight once originating in PDX. Hard case and a lock (can’t be a TSA lock because they aren’t allowed to open them – only law enforcement). You have to declare that you have one, show it to them, and then give it directly to TSA to send to your flight.
I had an overzealous TSA agents who refused to let me check it saying it wasn’t safe enough and “needed more locks.” He said that someone could somehow break into it with just one lock (that someone being after the TSA checkpoint, so…..one of your own?), and shoot everybody. His words.
He would only let me fly with MULTIPLE locks. It was 6 am New Years day. Nothing was open outside, and airport shops only sell TSA locks.
Needless to say, I missed my flight because of this clown. No amount of showing him the regulations online would change his mind.