The Greatest Laptop Charger Ever?

I’m a fan of travel tech and accessories, but I’d never have believed I would be sooooo excited about my new laptop charger that I’d be showing it off to random seatmates and dragging it into converstations with friends. Or that I would think paying $99.99 was worth it.
But here I am, a week into using my new Zolt laptop charger and I’m enthralled. I like everything about it — it’s small, effective, and minimizes the space I need in my luggage and in the lounge. It’s worth every penny.

It’s tiny compared to my previous battery packs. Smaller than a jar of spices (I’m bad at finding good comparisons) and with only one thin connecting cord compared to the bulky set of cords my previous charger had. Because it plugs directly into the wall, you’re spared the need for that second cord.

Even better, you can plug two additional USB devices in, sparing the need to bring along for additional usb power adaptors. And having three devices plugged in at once doesn’t seem to decrease the speed at which they charge.
It will fit most laptops, coming with 8 tips. That’s more than I can say for every emergency charger I bought in Spain…
Color isn’t really important when it comes to my laptop cords, but it’s cool you can pick from a purple, red, or dark gray.
I’m always looking for ways to lighten my laptop case which doubles as a purse in addition to holding my laptop, iPad, phone, travel wallet, and all the cords necessary to power all my devices. Saving space and weight is worth alot to me.
The only thing I’m concerned about is whether I’ll be able to keep it plugged in on planes where the power outlets are lose and the weight of the battery might pull it out. So will keep you posted on that.
Alot is not a word
I suppose you prefer laptops over ipads while travelling. For some reason I find ipads so convenient despite my best efforts to switch over to laptops.
I travel with both. I love my iPad but I haven’t had success finding easy ways to edit photos or do spreadsheets & presentations. 🙁
How long did it take to charge
About 1% a minute for my 13″ Dell Inspiron, which is on par with my other chargers.
Sounds great. Too bad my work laptop is not compatible.