Women Causes ‘Riot’ Over Missing Airline Meal, Delta Eliminates Fee & More

Highlights and headlines from around the web:
An Air New Zealand passenger was met by police in Shanghai when her flight from Aukland landed on Thursday after she nearly caused a riot when the airline didn’t have her special meal. Definitely the embodiment of hangry (hungry + angry).
Police boarded my flight in Shanghai because a woman nearly caused a riot when they didn’t have the meal she wanted. Definition of Hangry.
— Katie Bradford (@katieabradford) April 14, 2016
An overeaction for sure, though if I had paid more than $3,000 for my ticket and had nothing to eat for 11+ I might be hangry as well. Travel tip: Always bring your own back up snacks on long flights and trips, especially if you have special food requirements.
This is a fantastic policy! Qantas is granting elite status holds for new parents, allowing “members to keep their status for up to 18 months when welcoming a new family member, even if they are not earning the number of Status Credits usually required to retain that tier.” Seems like a great way to retain member loyalty and acquire future (young) members as well.
Target’s fashion collab with Marimekko starts April 17! Who else is excited? 🙂
Delta has dropped the $25 phone reservation fee (also known as direct ticketing charges). Great news for all us since I’m guessing the majority prefer to do everything online anyway, only resorting to the phone as a last resort.
8 times other animals wanted freedom as much as Inky the Octopus. They left out the miniature unicorn in California though.
Check your mail before you throw it out! If you have the Chase Visa, you could have a voucher for $30 in Hyatt food & beverage credit disguised as an advert looking piece.
And don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a free trip on a private jet!