For a Small Fee, This Hotel Will Let You Pick Your Check In/Check Out Time

What is Standard Time? It’s a cool new service that lets you decide when you’re checking in or out of your room. Standard Hotels, with locations in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York are offering a room rate that lets you decide if you want to check in early after that red eye or check out late after an awesome night off. No more having to book an extra night just for a few hours of extra access!

This is completely revolutionary. For instance, Starwood offers a YOUR24 perk to their Platinums who hit 75 nights which allows you to check in whenever you want and stay 24 hours,  even giving you 4PM checkout the next day if you check in at 9AM or later. And some Starwood properties, such as the Sheraton Los Angeles Airport do offer a 24 hour option. But I love that this perk is accessible to anyone at every Standard Hotels property.
And the cost is stilll pretty reasonable. According to Conde Naste Traveler, this service costs just 5% more, though based on the random dates I was looking at it was more like $30-$50 more than the Best Available rate which ranged from $300-$490. Still cheaper than booking an extra night!