Fun Idaho Hikes: Jump Creek Falls

If you find yourself in Boise or Nampa, Idaho or visiting Sunnyslope wineries and in need of a hike, check out Jump Creek Falls! Located south of Marsing, ID, Jump Creek Falls recreation area offers a lovely waterfall and gorgeous views.
It was later in the afternoon when we arrived but still quite busy and the parking lot was rather full. Note: there is a vault toilet there, which is only slightly better than a porta potty, so if squeamish, consider stopping somewhere on the way there.

The waterfall is a really easy hike — if I could make it in a dress after wine tasting, almost anyone can. The 1/4 mile trail meanders over streams and through the rocks until you arrive at the waterfall (which is a perfect place to picnic and cool your feet).

If you’re in good shape and want some amazing views, head to the upper parking lot and take the steep road/trail to the top of the trail. I hadn’t adjusted to the heat or the altitude, but the scenery was worth the view.

The area is only open during daylight and can get quite crowded on the weekends, so plan to go on a weekday or early in the morning or later in the day. The Bureau of Land Management website no longer features information about it, but thanks to I was able to find a PDF of the Jump Creek informational flyer.
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Great pix… they make you want to be there