One of Those Times You Don’t Want A Twitter Account
I was in meetings all afternoon, so just heard about the latest customer service problem to plague American Airlines/US Airways. I rather wish I hadn’t. Last month I wrote about the benefits of having a Twitter account even if you don’t tweet. Today exemplifies why you might not want one after all.
Per this buzzfeed post (with graphic photo blurred unless you want to see the original), a very graphic picture rather than a link to a customer service survey was sent out from their account.
They’ve since deleted the tweet (though apparently it took an hour) and posted a public apology. I definitely feel sorry for US Airways. They usually have outstanding social media customer service and this gives many undeserving folks a bad name. What a nightmare!
Update: Apparently the image had been posted to their feed by another user and when capturing it to flag as inappropriate it was accidentally included in another tweet to a customer. Â
Yikes! How unfortunate!
Where this is a horrible mistake, one must wonder how it happened. I don’t think you throw the baby out with the bathwater, cut off your nose to spite your face or spend a dollar to save a dime (how about THAT for whipping off three cliche’s!). A brand having a Twitter account is huge on so many levels but the disclaimer is that it’s used correctly, just like any other social media platform. Mistakes do, and will, happen but this is a bad one for sure… 🙂