Big Wins and Lots of Shrieking at the StarMegaDo4 Launch Party

Jeanne and I landed at Dulles from our CLT-EWR-HNL-PHX-IAD mileage run at 4:30PM, with just enough time to cab back to work, pick up our clothes and business cards, check into the Radisson Crystal City (for Jeanne’s 50,000 point bonus), and make it to the reception by a little after 6:30.
The whole reason for the evening, the unveiling of the Star MegaDo 4 details, was exciting but not quite as exciting as what came after!
For November, Jeanne and I are most looking forward to:
- Flying on the brand new wide-body charter
- The western theme that gives us an excuse to dust off our cowboy hats and boots
- An awesome Hyatt promo (everybody vote for Diamond status!!!)
- Getting to SFO early to do winetasting before the event begins.
- Catching some jazz at the Green Mile after the event ends in Chicago.
- Hanging out with all our new friends!
But the highlight of the evening, for me, were the raffle drawings. Jeanne had purchased 5 tickets in the hopes of winning Hyatt Diamond status for her big vacation next year. I purchased 5 tickets for solidarity, since I’ve never won anything before.
I’d just grabbed a glass of champagne when they started announcing the lucky few who would get early access to purchasing their StarMegaDo4 tickets. First number 35.
I let out an overly loud woohoo! and raised my arms and my champagne glass in the air. I’d never won anything and I was picked first!! It was reminiscent of that scene from Legally Blonde minus the love triangle…
The only thing that could mar the moment was that none the remaining 24 numbers called were Jeanne’s. 🙁
Next up was the raffle for various United and Hyatt statuses. We were standing with the Mr & Mrs Silver Springers and none of us were winners, we’d either bought a little too early or a little too late. United 1K status came up and my number was called (sorry Jeanne, I shouldn’t have let you buy yours before me).
I let out an involuntary loud scream/squeal, thus embarrassing myself in front of the entire travel community, before being enveloped in a gleeful hug by Jeanne, thereby confusing everyone as to who had actually won. The way Jeanne very graciously tells it, we both won since now we’ll both get upgrades next year from my status.
The rest of the reception passed in a blur of giddy happiness, and of sheepishness, as people continued to come up to ask if I had won something…
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
You totally earned that shriek! I would have done the same thing. Congrats and hope to see y’all again soon!
But me buying mine before you guilted you into buying more tickets than you were originally going to 😉 and that’s what made the difference. So it’s all good!
It did work actually, because I was only going to buy two and the winning ticket was the 3rd one.
What can I say? I’m a good influence!
Have you received your bonus points on your account yet? If so, how long did it take for them to show up?