Review: Targus Checkpoint-Friendly 13” Laptop Case

It’s been about 4 weeks since I received my Targus Checkpoint-Friendly Ultra-Lite Corporate Traveler Laptop Case and I’ve put it through its paces. I’ve used it for leisure, I’ve used it for work trips, I’ve hauled it between offices and carried it for hours at a time (don’t ask).  I LOVE IT.
I was skeptical how much time the checkpoint functionality would save; after all, I have my Up In the Air routine down – whisking my shoes off, my liquids in, and my laptop out. It really does make a difference. It might seem like that extra 30 seconds doesn’t matter, but it does.
Not only is it quicker, it’s less stressful. The shoulder strap is aligned such that yanking on it pulls both sides together, making zippering unnecessary to get it off the conveyor belt (you’ll want to zip it eventually). With one less thing to grab and stuff in, you’re only worrying about shoes, phones, and your freedom baggie.
The file compartment is a little tighter fit than my previous case. Because all the cords have to be stored in there as well, I’ve found that two memo notepads, a book, my iPad, my cords, my travel wallet, and some papers fill it up. But I’m still quite happy with it’s capacity.
The outer zippered pocket easily holds my camera, phone, wallet, keys, hairbrush, and other accessories. The organization pockets are also more useful than my old one. The shoulder strap it came with has a surprising amount of padding, but I’m still going with my Tom Bihn Absolute Strap.
And one of the deciding factors on the margin was the strap in the back to attach to my rollerboard. Having that feature wasn’t a requirement, but I do use it pretty often to escape having the bag slam into my hips when I’m running, er…walking briskly through terminals.
I will note that I have a 15†computer (15.4†to be exact), but I purchased the 13†laptop case. I read reviews that the larger version was difficult to fit under airplane seats and that the 13†version had plenty of room. I agree! My 15†fits snugly in the laptop compartment, but the cushions on the side provide good security. The bag is trim, fits easily under everything, and I don’t feel like I’m carrying a garment bag by my side. It’s also incredibly light, although I can’t tell how much of that is the bag and how much is my Tom Bihn strap. 🙂
I definitely recommend!
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.