Upgraded With No Available Seats?

So I got the happy happy news yesterday that I would need to cancel my pre-ordered meal for my upcoming flight. Because my upgrade had cleared!! Yay!! I figured there wouldn’t be many seats to choose from, but I decided to log in immediately to get the best one I could. Didn’t realize there wouldn’t be any?
Ok, so there must have been a system delay and whatever had triggered my upgrade hadn’t gone through to the seating map. I’d wait and pick my seat a few hours later at the 24 hour check in mark. Check in rolls around, I pull up the first screen and there’s no option to change/pick my seat. Well, now I”m not sure if checking in without picking a seat is somehow going to hurt me?
Should I call customer service and see if they can assign one? Fears the that upgrade was a mistake and now I’ve lost my exit row seat, even my pre-ordered meal, and I’m going to spend 5 hours sitting at the very back of the plane crowd my head. So I start doing a search for “upgraded with no seat assignment” to see what others’ plights have been. Except, nothing is coming up, just lots of articles on “how to get upgraded for free”, etc. So for anyone else who has had the same search, this post is for you!
I finally decide to try completing the check in, maybe seat selection will show up on the next screen. Except now a system error has occurred and I’m instructed to check in at the airport. Well that’s not going to work.
I go back to the email prompting me to check in, and click the link again. Well, now the screen that comes up shows that I’ve been checked in, that I still have  no seat for the second leg, but lo and behold, there’s a magic tool bar underneath.Â
Why yes! I do want to “Just change seats.” I pull it up and there’s one colored box showing in first. MINE! So not a fan of the bulkhead but far better than being in first class with no available seats! And my tip if you face a similar plight? Try try again!!
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.