Your Extra Amenity Kits Could Be Worth $$

There are many things I love about flying international first class, and the amenity kits are definitely one of them! It just doesn’t get old!
Little travel tubes of Ferragamo, Bulgari, La Mer. Designer makeup case size bags. Even after 5+ years, when everything I own is stored in various zippered pouches, I still get a thrill.
But this weekend I finally acknowledged to myself that there was no reason to keep ALL of them, and proceeded to put several empty cases in the giveaway pile. And then I had a second thought. Ebay was offering free listings this weekend, were any of these worth more than a couple of bucks?
Seemed like there were any number of United Airline Global Amenity Kits and the new American Airlines kits listed without bids. BUT the Lufthansa Rimowa kits were selling like hotcakes. Of the 3 listed, all were over $70 and auctions weren’t finished. Two were still sealed, but one was just for the empty case.
Hmmm, I had one from Thai Airways in the same color ready to give away. Might as well give it a try. I listed it at $9.99 + shipping with a buy-it-now price of $29.99 (I figured it was worth it to me to be sure I sold it rather than try to squeeze more out of it). I also managed to talk myself out of keeping the white Thai Airways Rimowa (this still left me with 3), along with the remaining unused La Maxima Paris amenities just to see how much it would go for at auction.
Someone jumped on the Buy-It-Now option within 2 hours of it being listed. The white Rimowa took a little longer, but within 6 or 7 hours had been bid up to $30. By Sunday morning it was at $61 with 15 people watching it. The auction goes until Tuesday morning so it will be interesting to see how much higher it goes.
So if you have extra Rimowa amenity kits lying around, consider funding future travels by putting them on Ebay. 🙂
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Heels First is the travels and tribulations of two twenty-something frequent fliers jumping into the world of travel. Join Keri and Jeanne as they tackle mileage runs, elite status, and of course–the perfect travel accessories.
Not a bad pull in there. Now I’ve got an idea how to dispose of the extra Asiana and AA kits I’ve “obtained” on my travels….
The Asiana 1st class one stays with me though 😉
Yep! I’m not selling ALL my kits 😀