What Happens to Half Used Hotel Soaps & Other Hotel Questions Answered

Can you steal the hotel robe without being charged? What if someone dies while staying at a hotel? Daily Mail has answers to these and other burning hotel questions.
And if you did ever wonder what happens to your half used soaps and shampoos, I looked into it a year or two ago:
When I was researching shelters for a post on how to diminish your collection of travel size hotel amenities, I also looked into recycling half-used hotel toiletries. I felt like I had seen something about this on SPG TV a few years ago, but only had a vague impression.
I was happy to find the article in USA Today talking about how successful Clean the World has been in partnering with hotel chains to salvage half used bottles and bars.
Participation is on an individual hotel basis and relies heavily on the housekeepers — who need to put partially-used products in special bins. From there it goes to the Clean the World headquarters where it is either sterilized and repackaged, or if it’s mostly used, it’s combined with other pieces then sterilized, melted down, and reformed. From there it’s shipped out to poorer countries where hygenic products are in scarce supply/unaffordable.
Now I have no idea if this model is cost-effective, or if it would actually be cheaper to apply those resources and funds to purchasing new products to send over, but as long as they’re only using private and not government funding to accomplish their aims, I really like the idea of something good coming out of the soaps I’m leaving behind.
I was also excited to see this initiative is world wide! Sands China, whose collections of monster hotels on the Cotai Strip which I visited in a few years ago, collected over two tons (over 4400 lbs) of used soaps and shampoos since June!
Shawn Seipler, the founder of Clean The World, had a vision and the energy and know-how to and accomplish this life saving mission. Not only is he recycling, he and his amazing group are tackling disease at the base level -simple cleanliness. Congratulations to Shawn!