Losing My Mind or Discovering the Hyatt Security Breach?

Yesterday I had a few free minutes so decided to call Hyatt to check on a cash & points availability for an upcoming reservation. I went to the Hyatt website to login to my account to get my account number.
That’s funny, because that’s the password that Chrome has had saved for months. Hmmm. Maybe a different password got substituted. So I manually type it in. Nope. I try variations. Nope.
I switch my passwords around fairly frequently but I could have sworn this was the right password. Eventually I give up and with my remaining free minutes quickly reset my password, log in, and call. In retrospect, I should have gone straight to Award Wallet to begin with, but it had become a “thing” and I wanted to figure it out.
5Â hours later it became clear I wasn’t going crazy when an email titled “Required Password Change” showed up:
Some Hyatt Gold Passport accounts had been compromised so they required everyone to reset their passwords.
As someone with a background in marketing, I know what a mess these situations can be and how many things have to happen instantaneously. That said, I do think they should have sent the email out sooner or at least put a message on the login page letting people know they needed to reset…
I had the same problem yesterday until I found out they did have a breach. Almost freaked out that my points are gone 😀