Today Only: $20 Off New Amazon Prime Memberships

In celebration of thier new show The Grand Tour, Amazon is discounting new Amazon Prime memberships today, offering $20 off the usual $99 price tag.
For $79 you get:
- Free two day-shipping
- Unlimited access to millions of songs via Amazon music
- Free streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows via Prime Video (and the ability to temporarily download and watch later)
- Free unlimited photo storage
- Unlimited books and magazines via Prime Reading
Important things to note: This offer is only good through 11:59PM PT tonight, November 18 and only applies to new Prime memberships, existing members cannot renew at the promotional rate. Your cart will show a price of $99, the discount applied when you place your order.
And if you’re only interested in Amazon Prime for the free 2 day shipping over the holidays, keep in mind you can always sign up for a free 30 day trial and/or just go with a monthly Prime option for $10.99