Pilot Hospitalized from Laser Pointer, Starbucks Secret Halloween Menu & More

More news, deals, and headlines that caught my eye today:
- An American Airlines pilot was hospitalized after a laser pointer was aimed at his aircraft. Why do people keep doing this, how is it fun?
- Did you know about Starbucks “secret” Halloween menu? Eggnog is an option…
- A military blimp in Maryland went rogue today and “floated aimlessly over Pennsylvania” until it was lassoed this afternoon. I’ve seen the blimps when driving up I95 and never knew what they were for until now.
- I think people should only use the lavatory in their cabin class, but arresting the woman in economy who used the bathroom in business class is carrying it a little too far.
- American Express credit card holders, check your AMEX offers. There is a targeted deal for a $50 statement credit with a $250+ purchase at Sheraton Hotels & Resorts.
- While rocky, stony soil makes for good wine, it might not actually be responsible for any minerality in the taste.
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