Act Fast! 100% Off Guide to Points & Miles Course

Abroaders is giving away access to their video course on miles and points through 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, February 15. If you’re new loyalty programs and booking travel with miles and points, this is a great opportunity!
The price goes back up to $25 after Wednesday and they don’t have plans for future freebies. You go through the sessions at your own pace, so if you’re interested, go ahead and register before the deadline. If you’re not already a member of Abroaders, you’ll need to use code FEBFREEBIE.
I’m a fan of Abroaders and like their approach to maximizing miles, particularly if you’re wanting to redeem for economy. I recommend also taking advantage of their free online app which can help guide you through which credit cards are best to sign up for given your travel goals.
The course includes both an overview of everything related to earning points (including types of points, ways to earn, credit cards and credit scores) and redeeming points (including partnerships and alliances, award pricing, where to search, and advanced strategies).
The links just go to the regular website – no mention of promo anywhere.
Just updated post with promo code: FEBFREEBIE
Is there a promo code?
It turns out there is: FEBFREEBIE
Ditto other responses. What’s the promo code for free access. Right now its asking one to pay$25. Thanks