Comparing RideShare & Taxi Fares, Plus How Much Do Drivers Actually Earn?

If you’ve ever wanted to estimate your fare without having to pull up every rideshare app the new RideGuru website is definitely for you! I wrote about RideGuru’s beta website a few years back and it looks like they’ve not only fixed some of the bugs, they’ve added many more ride share services.
It’s also a proprietary database which doesn’t rely on the companies’ APIs which means it won’t get shut down. But that also means though you can’t compare the slightly cheaper rates for options like UberPool and Lyft Line.
Compare Ride Options & Prices
Say you’re taking a quick jaunt to the National Mall during a layover at Ronald Reagan Airport and want to see the cheapest way to get there without taking public transportation (since the nearest metro stop is a long way from the Lincoln Memorial). RideGuru will compare all available ride services and show you details of the fare, including booking fees, safety fares etc. It does not include tips though, so keep that in mind.
Semi-Accurate Airport Estimates
Be aware it’s not completely infallible though, particularly when it comes to airports. It doesn’t appear to account for some airport pickup fees, DCA’s mandatory $4 rideshare fee is not represented in the comparison above.
But it looks like they’ve fixed the problem of not recognizing airports with flat rates to downtown as seen on the LAX and JFK quotes. Though a quick look at Bangkok showed them displaying the wrong rate and no taxi estimates.

Can Calculate But Not Predict Surge Pricing
It also can’t tell you whether or not you’ll face surge pricing, though you can calculate what it might be.
How Much is Your RideShare Driver Making?
If you want to use the companies that pay their drivers the most, this website also offers estimates of driver earnings, though I have no idea how accurate they are. I do find it interesting that UberX and Lyft drivers in DC seem to be making comparable amounts since every time I take Lyft I get a lecture about how horrible Uber is and how little money those drivers make.
Overall impression: It’s still not perfect so users beware. That said, it’s certainly easier than having to pull up all my apps separately (if I even have them all) and the new interface is much easier to navigate!