Today Only: Get CityMaps2Go Pro for iOS Free (usually $9.99)

Quick heads up! Today only you can get CityMaps2Go Pro for free on iTunes (h/t: Slickdeals). This is the paid version of the app, normally $9.99, which lets you download unlimited maps.Â
I’ve never used this app before (I’m downloading it now), but it gets good reviews. It lets you create itineraries, save and organize lists, and share with others. The main advantage seems to be accessing all your maps offline and using it to pinpoint your current location without using data (apparently it can even use locked wifi signals), useful when coming out of train stations, etc. Google Maps can do some of this, but not in every country.
Sounds like it’s best for walking and city siteseeing, not a great option if you’re driving or need navigation.
It still has paid upgrades so I really wonder what the $9.99/free would buy? I clicked the link this morning from some post/story and saw that I had already “bought” it before so it has been free and I must have deleted it…
I really like Citi mapper for bus/metro and bike share use- with bike share in DC it shows the stations and the number of full/empty slots:
but do find I use google maps aboard because its just so easy…
Thanks for the heads up. Downloading to try now! I have which also uses downloaded maps for offline help. Used that in Europe a lot but it doesn’t show eating and sighting spots too much.