BBQ Breakfast in Lockhart, TX

The biggest silver lining flying into Austin (other than getting a free rental from Silvercar) was finally making it out to Lockhart, Texas for great BBQ. But since I was getting in late on Friday night and needed to leave before noon on Saturday, it looked like I’d have to make it breakfast.
Everyone I’ve talked to had their own opinions about whether Kreuz Market, Smitty’s Market, or Black’s BBQ had the best. I didn’t think I’d have enough room to sample all three, I’d be lucky if I could get two, so I wound up making my decisions based on timing.
Smitty’s Market opened at 7AM, so I went there first.
Except the Google Maps directions had me going to the butcher shop part, so I totally missed the cool the entrance which one friend has described as walking into the pit of hell. (I also love that the shop to the left of Smitty’s is a gym.)

I was the only person in there, which wasn’t surprising when they told me they only had sausage and the beef and pork wouldn’t be ready for another hour.

Sausage it was! I ordered half a link of the jalapeño and one of the regular. I opted for the white bread accompaniment but in the interest of stomach space, declined any sides or sweet tea.

It was delicious, particularly the jalapeno, which was spicy, but not mouth numbing.
It was almost 10AM at this point, so I decided to walk the couple of blocks to Black’s to burn some calories and buy some time until my next round.

A few people were in line in front of me having the process explained to them. You serve yourself the sides, each side up to 5 oz, was $1.59. I couldn’t help but get some sweet potatoes with marshmallows, but otherwise saved myself for the meat.

And I went a little nuts. I got 1/3lb of the moist (fatty) brisket, 1/3lb of the lean brisket, and for good measure got two baby back ribs (2/3lb) since they were out of the pork. And a sweet tea.
It was good, but overwhelming. I found both the briskets pleasantly charred on the outside and pretty moist. They had a good grilled meat flavor that didn’t require sauce, but I did wind up trying it out and rather preferred the lean brisket with it. The ribs, though gloriously meaty, were not my favorite. I don’t know if I was just too full or if I prefer a different style.
Fortunately I wouldn’t have had room to eat all of it, even if I had wanted to. On my way back out of town I was tempted to swing by Kreuz Market just to see, but the giant more commercial look to it was just enough (fortunately) to keep me driving.

I did the pilgrimage to Lockhart via Luling late last year, and stopped at all of the places you mentioned. Overall, as a one stop place, I really enjoyed Black’s the most, including their great BBQ sauces that I had on the side. I also had their ribs, which truly loved their well balanced charred to moist ratio on those meaty bad boys. So, you certainly must have been full then to not properly appreciate them, for they were that good. Great review & cool pics, keep them coming!
you missed Chisholm Trail BBQ you sure missed out by skipping this place best in town. we have four great places here in town Chisholm Trail, Black’s Smitty’s and Kruez(which isn’t commercial at all) and even the food trail/truck Mad Jacks is great!! Come back soon and try them all.
I can’t wait to come back! Preferably when I can make more time before meals too!
Astonishingly, virtually all reviewers miss one or the other of the FOUR legitimately world-class BBQ joints here in the BBQ Capital of Texas. In this case, you missed Chisholm Trail Barbeque – or Floyd’s as the locals call it – which by the way is where most of the locals go.
Yeah, unfortunately I only had 2 hours to spend in Lockhart 🙁